എന്റെ ബ്ലോഗ് പട്ടിക

2011, ജൂലൈ 1, വെള്ളിയാഴ്‌ച

Art Of Living

Nibinarackal Sivan  Nibin Arackal Sivan

Cry Your Heart Out
      One is bhashan ans the other is sambhashan.Bhashan(speech) means a situation in which one single person goes on talking something.Sambhashan(dialogue) is that in which everybody participates.We have more faith only in sambhasan or dialogue.Under? All of you can decide about today's sambhashan.          

       See, many a times,you put carpet or a mat in your house.Only when you take it out, you realise how much dust is there underneath.Isn't it ? When you take the carpet and begin dusting it, only then you realise the extent of dust accumulated.

      Similary, our mind too has many feelings and emotions which we would have suppressed.Certain matter are such that we can confide in somebody and some we cannot confide in anybody.All such matters  and many other inner matter which we have, when suppressed inside us leads to diminishing of the personality day by day.Do you agree?
   if a person has stress in the mind ,how can that person be mind, how can that person be happy ? How can such a person be pleasant? Therefore ,When you do all these practices, When you do sudarshana kriya, all the stress and dirt in the mind comes out. We should not suppress them. 'What will everyboy think if i cry ?' what happens when you think like this? Your stress increase futher. Are you getting this? Your stress increase further. Are you getting this?
       This kriya is therefore very significant and important. Sudarahana kriya, even if done once in six months has its effect. If you practice it regularly, all the dirt, unwanted things, dualities in the mind and in the body are all washed out and the mind becomes peaceful and happy.